Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lingua Franca

Peur du jour: 3 Janvier 2012- Asking a question to a stranger IN FRENCH

Baby steps, right?

This happened several times on the TGV  ("Train of Great Velocity") from Paris to Montpellier. I needed to ask the mec (guy) next to whom I was sitting if he was getting off at the next stop and needed me to move. I asked the woman who sat next to me if she knew if the next stop was Montpellier. I asked the ticket officer if the train was running behind.

These all seem like very insignificant things, but they were scary to me. In France for the first time, using my language with natives for the first time, in a foreign country alone for the first time. Jet-lagged, nervous, on edge. But with every word I spoke in French I realized that I was doing it. I was speaking in natives in french and they understood me. This is the beginning of a great adventure, I can feel it.

The view from the window of the train. This was the only time I was able to sit next to the window because this was the stop where the window-seat passenger switched (seats on the TGV are assigned-thanks for the heads up, Siebert Family!)

I'm in France!


  1. This is so awesome for you. Considering how I never feel like natives will understand me even though we're still in America, and I hesitate to use my Spanish with my coworkers, I can definitely see how big of a step this is! Pretty soon you're going to be chatting away fluently. :)

  2. I'm so glad my chaotic story came in handy! :) Love you!
