Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Short post (because I said I would).

I haven't been particularly daring lately because I'm starting to get into a routine... I love my routine like my dog loves to bark (a lot). But here a few French gems:

1) A Canadian student moved in here on Sunday and has been way more stereotypically American than me. She requested bacon and eggs for breakfast, talks and laughs pretty really loudly, takes long showers, asked if she could keep alcohol in the refrigerator, and puts ketchup on EVERYTHING. Potatoes (not that weird), chicken cordon blue (getting weird), and fettucini alfredo (does not in any way need ketchup). To each her own, I guess. :)

2) The French should learn how to insulate their homes. I have two huge windows/balconies in my room and because there's no centralized heating, my room is always like an igloo. I've resorted to placing all of my clothes on the radiator (which never gets very warm) before I change into them to give me some added warmth. Right now I'm wearing three pairs of socks, two sweaters, leggings under my jeans, AND headphones as earmuffs and I can't stop shaking. It makes me miss the stifling hot hallways of Joyner hall.

3) I ran a new path by the river today! It was pretty awesome because there's this big grassy path along the river bank with a dirt trail. I need green spaces and this is definitely one of them. Exercise has earned an even dearer spot in my heart because it's the only time of day (other than when I'm snug under my covers or the moments of my shower when the water is on) when I actually feel warm.

4) I have been spending more time figuring out travel plans for our February break that I have spent studying/doing homework. This needs to stop now. Off to work on a paper!

Love from France,


  1. Wow, and I thought our room was cold...I did figure out how to turn the heat on, but now it makes creepy noises at all hours of the night, especially when I choose to stay up late reading Poe. *shudder*
    But's better than Shakespeare. :) (I know you loved hearing about that last semester)
    And your description of your Canadian friend...haha. It makes me sigh and shake my head and laugh at the same time.
    Anyway, good luck with your paper, and stay warm!
    Love from the stifling hot hallways of Joyner hall,

  2. Do you see your breath? They might have a sale on space heaters at la depot de maison - have you checked?

  3. Ketchup on fettucini alfredo??? Blegh.

    There was this Canadian girl at Oxford I remember that was also a bit loud, who wouldn't buy too much food at the cafeteria for herself, but then would always ask the people she was sitting with for their extra food. Most of the time it was when people were clearly done eating luckily, but it started to become a running joke because on occassion it would seem like you would have something halfway to your mouth and she would ask, "Are you going to eat that?"
