Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Overnight adventures

Peur du jour- 6 Mars 2012: Finding a sleeping bag

There are a lot of things that I didn't foresee needing in France:
  • Winter jacket (I promise this isn't another post about being cold)
  •  My academic worksheet (#facepalm)
  • Tissues (because, like toilet seats, this is considered unnecessary in public bathrooms)
  • A bigger memory card
  • My wonderful snuggie!
  • Envelopes (for sending letters and insurance claims-more about this after it is completely resolved)
  • Sleeping bag
Some of these things I've gone without. Some of these things have been purchased or sent to me. But for the sleeping bag, I had to do a little digging. After a slew of emails and Facebook messages with my French friends, I finally found one to borrow!

And why, you may ask, might I need un sac de couchage? Well, my friends, I am going on a retreat this weekend to Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. I'm so excited for a weekend of nothing but French and prayer (and maybe even prayer in French? I've gotten to that level of competency yet) in this beautiful medieval village which used to be a stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella.

 Lots of stories to follow!

PS) I've started keeping track of my French Taste-bud Adventures for those who are interested!

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