Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What I learned from my time abroad

  1. Picnics are the best way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  2. Humiliation is a good teaching tool: the times that my cheeks went red are the mistakes that I won't repeat.
  3. I like to run. 
  4. A meal without cheese is like a pretty girl missing an eye. Un repas sans fromage est une belle à qui il manque un œil.
  5.  Accents are endearing.  
  6.  Always buy the one euro insurance. 
  7. Every "weird" food is worth trying once. 
  8. When you don't know how to say something "in so many words," you learn to just say what you mean.
  9.  People are fascinating, and everyone has a story.
  10. Not everything will go as planned, but everything will work itself out. Tout se rangera.
  11. I've got the travel bug.
  12. Life is a lot more enjoyable when you're not unnecessarily stressed. 
  13. There is beauty in contrast. 
  14. The French way of showering (only turning water on to rinse) saves a heck of a lot of water.
  15. How to make crème brûlée. 
  16. Don't let fearing get in the way of living. 
  17. It is, in fact, possible for me to go without Mexican food for five months (but I'm not looking to run a second trial...).
  18. I look far more German than French.
  19. With but a step into a church, I can find community and family anywhere in the world.
  20. I can't wait to get back to Europe.


  1. Glad you made it back safely. I'll miss reading your blog very much.

    1. I'm going to miss writing it :( Can't wait to see you this weekend!
