- 3h00: Wake up in a groggy haze, feeling like death to watch the UNC-d00k game
- 4h30: Feeling good about our performance after halftime
- 5h15: Go to back to bed mildly depressed
- 8h30: Wake up and kick box
- 10h30: Leave the house to head over to Lycée Jules Guesde (that middle s is silent... weird) to volunteer
- 15h15: Class
- 18h30: Leave the house to go to La Source (my worship group)
- 23h30: Get home, collapse in bed
Fear has not really been an issue in my life this week, so instead I'll give you five reasons why having a French friends is awesome.
- An opportunity to parler en français!
- If someone uses a word I don't understand, I can ask for an explanation
- An opportunity to practice bises (I really hope I am getting less awkward at it...)
- They can introduce me to more French people and French things!
- They really make me want to get better at French so I can talk more with them!
Sounds like the right way to be. mom