Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Every journey begins with a single step

Hello, blogosphere (or, at the very least, friends and family)!

I am still on American soil, but figured I would use this first post to outline what you can expect as a reader of this blog:
  •  Background: In 5 days I will be traveling via car, plane, and train to Montpellier, France. There I will be hosted by a French family, take courses at the University of Paul-Valéry (UPV III) and Accent Français, and hopefully learn what it means to live la vie française.
  • Frequency: My goal will be to post at least once a week, on Wednesdays. Think of it as your hump day treat! Keep your eyes peeled, because I may move to bi- or tri-weekly.
  • Format: Every day while I am abroad, I am going to do something that scares me (mom and dad, don't worry. I'm not going to be careless and you won't have to pull a Liam Neeson). In the beginning it will probably be things like ordering in French, buying things in French, speaking with natives in French, taking courses in French (can you tell I have anxiety about this?), but hopefully it will evolve into more meaningful and memorable things.

    I got this idea from my hairdresser who said if I do one thing a day that scares me, I will know that I'm really making the most of my experience. I'm going to write them all down in the journal that my lovely roommate got me for Christmas, and at the end of my trip I'll have 140 mini-fears which I overcame. The best peurs du jour will be posted on the blog! 
C'est tout for now. I will spend my last five days in the United States with friends and family and wonderfully delicious Chicago food.

À mercredi!

PS) Check out my french bucket list!


  1. Good Luck Kathleen! Have fun! Go TarHeels! How do you say that in French?

  2. Bonne chance, Kathleen! Amusez-vous! Allez Tarheels!

  3. Get in the mood by renting and watching "An American in Paris" before you go. Then download "Rhapsody in Blue from i-tunes and listen when you are on TGV from Paris to Montpelier.
    Finish reading "My Year in Provence"

    (The Tar Heels won big today)

  4. I am so excited for you Kathleen! You have always loved adventure and a challenge! So your pace down and take in all the music, tastes and culture of France. You will be missed but will anticipate all of your stories of your travels. Be Safe, Love Mom

  5. You will do great. Have fun. I will be reading.

  6. Make a connection with Chateau Latour "Premier Grand Cru" or Chateau Carboneau or any local winery. "a young heir so you can recieve the ministerial discount for Uncle Tom / friends and family"

    Throw down some southside chicago pizza on those FROGS.

    Remember opportunity doesnt knock you have to venture to find it.
